Kamis, 07 April 2016

Call the minister's Largest Tax Fiscal Risks Economic Affairs.

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Finance), Bambang Brodjonegoro said that the current tax revenue is the only largest fiscal risk to economic growth in Indonesia. Because subsidized fuel oil (BBM) has started to be reduced which is usually a 'scapegoat' in revision of the State Budget (APBN).

It said while inaugurating Ken Dwijugiasteadi as Director General of Taxes, Ministry of Finance, replacing Sigit Priadi Pramudito who resigned end of 2015.

He added, in the past fiscal risk in the country is divided between spending through subsidized fuel oil (BBM) and revenues through tax revenues. Although tax revenue is not achieved, but that is usually used as an excuse to revise the state budget is the fuel subsidy.

"In the past we still had an excuse. In the quotes that the fuel subsidy if the excess will be a reason to revise the state budget, although at the same time there is a tax revenue target is not reached. Finally become the focus of government by parliament, rather than tax revenues," he said in the Office of the Ministry of Finance, Jakarta, Tuesday (03/01/2016).

But starting last year, said the former Deputy Minister of Finance, there are no more stories fiscal risks of expenditure. Because of the expenditure side everything is more manageable, while in terms of revenue remains a challenge. "Last year's tax, special taxes only 70% along with customs and excise to 85% of total revenue," he added.

According to him, the tax revenue a challenge and a very heavy load at the moment. Because, without a great reception there will be no spending in order to stimulate the economy of Indonesia. "Without a great reception, there will be no spending expansionary. No expansionary budget which is expected to drive economic growth," he concluded.

Opinion & Solution.
The state of the Indonesian economy is now the source of state expenditure to be increased due to the tax of the largest sources for the state budget. taxation of various sectors into savings for the economic development of Indonesia. with huge tax revenues expected government to manage state finances are well in order to achieve a strong economy. and not misused by various interested parties. to build Indonesia not only in terms of infrastructure but the government is expected to strengthen the Indonesian economy is still weak, the government is also expected to improve the quality of human resources at this time.